Day in day out seems like nothing but a struggle making ends meet.
The more money I get the faster it goes out.
It's hard to make a living & be happy.
Money is evil anyway and besides,
I don't deserve it because of bad decisions from my past!
Is that right?
It may hold some truth, but it's all Wrong!
It's only true because YOU BELIEVE It To Be So & "Sew" IT IS!
In this course-training you will innerstand:
Money is a vibration that the majority deny themselves.
Just like health, well being, and love are vibrations that one
can deny one's self.
This usually happens unconsciously, meaning you are unaware of the rejection vibrations you send out towards the very things you intend to have for yourself.
Course Take-Away
Know exactly what do to shift your energy and attract money to you now.
Your Money Vibe
Your Money Habits
Based on the environment you were surrounded by and the people who raised you, you have inherited & adopted the beliefs of other people that have been passed down to you.
They don't belong to you.
Yet, the habits and beliefs are killing your windfall because you are clueless about what's happening on a subconscious level keeping it far away from you.
Course Take-Away
You will be able to identify & eliminate Money Habits you have that interrupt the delivery of your windfall.
Know & Clear the 10 Most common Money blocks (which are actually just MONEY BELIEFS)
Speed up the delivery of your cosmic request.
What are you downloading?
Your brain is like a computer.
It holds the data of your daily experiences.
It's your back up system when you are not thinking for yourself. It usually sabotages things for you.
YOU MUST INSTALL NEW (software) beliefs IN YOUR (hardware) BRAIN
Course Take-Away: Gain Access
Your money blueprint will change & so will your bank account balance.

The Money BrainAlteration
The good news is YOU HAVE THE ABILITY & the power to alter the stories that have landed you where you are today in lack, limitation, or just enough,
into happiness, prosperity, success & abundance.
There are things that were hidden from you that
I choose to reveal so that you may live a fulfilled life
just as I do. Traveling where I want, purchasing my needs, paying my bills on time and most of all inner peace that all is well in all I do.
The Discovery
Once I discovered the hidden powers
within myself that allows me the freedom to be, do, and have what my heart desires,
I chose not to look back and see everything unfolding
in a positive way and it did, quickly.

What You Will Discover
There is no set limit to any of them. There is more than enough for every living thing to feel abundance and well being.
You can not change your life using the same mind that created the drama and instability!
Your brain wiring has to SHIFT from lack to one of prosperity. ​
What You Will Discover
žSeveral shifts and manifestations will take place
This course will help you"
Change Your Money Blueprint & create more cash flow!
Identify and Clear self-imposed & inherited beliefs a.k.a. Money Blocks
Alter your money habits to wealthy habits.
Comprehend the use of Universal Laws you must begin implementing Immediately!
Understand how to use 3 specific power sources within you RIGHT NOW
that changes everything. Get out of your own way.
Know what actions help you build a relationship with, & become attractive to Money. Stop repelling it.
Understand Energetic Confidence vs Egoic Confidence when it comes to receiving.
Setting your intentions to rewire your brain and achieve your goals & proactivity.
3 Key Types of Income you must generate to be financially free.
And 3 more Surprise BONUS Lessons that will Shock you and make you a super manifestor when applied consistently!
INVESTING in yourself if the 1st step to answering the call for the
arrival of your breakthrough. MPU 2.0 Level 2
WANT a head start NOW?
Get the money psychology Upgrade 1.0 Video COURSE immediately in your inbox TO COMPLETE AT YOUR OWN PACE. for just $199
7day Training
+ 7 Bonus day(s) videos

- MPU Traning was AMAZING! Resistance started coming through my brain from the old me thought process & put fear in my heart to stop me from moving forward but I had to face the fear & keep growing as coach would say. I wasn't expecting it to make me freeze. I really had to fight. If it wasn't for Coach Diamond's warning, I probably would have procrastinated instead of fighting the feeling of putting things off. Thank you for your guidance, help & direction! The toughLOVE was all worth it to me! Thank you so much for guiding me along my new life path, task & journey. ENROLL IN THE COURSE!
Darlene Dennis - Author/ Community Leader
- Writing out my Fab day was miraculous. Right when I completed it, What I was asking for began to what felt like immediately. My co-worker just bought something up to me that I have been wanting to do for a long time. @Takiyah Tk Diamond your work is doing wonders. I see and I know what's going to happen. I'll be enrolling in the 2.0 class for more wisdom. Appreciate & Thank You So Much. I love that you are real, approachable, and actually build with your students. We don't feel left out to the wolves. . The community is amazing and we are all still in contact holding one another accountable.
Tanisha Yates - Travel Agent/Travel Bogger
- The Money psychology course truly helps you to get in alignment with the universe to prepare you to attract money! I learned my money blocks, I learned how to unblock those blocks and now money flows freely to me ( No im not rich yet) but I now know how to call money forth, I know how to align my energy with the universe to manifest whatever I call forth! I know understand the psychology of money, and how easy it is for your subconscious to block you from Abundance and overflow if you're not constantly feeding it positive high energy vibrations.
If your struggling with Financial road blocks get yourself into the next Money Psychology Upgrade Training
Shadirah Brydsell - Credit Repair & Financial Literacy
Rise Above Poverty